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Amin Al Husseini Grootmoefti van Jeruzalem

Amin Al Husseini Grootmoefti van Jeruzalem In december 1942 werd het Islamitisch Centraal Instituut in Berlijn opgericht met een openingsrede door Amin Al Husseini, de...

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Chasing the Christians out of their homes. Can this be found in Islamic history?

In the last period we have seen ISIS evicting non-Muslims out of their homes, some of the people who fled their homes told the press that they were chased out of their homes by their Muslim neighbors. Aside of various stories that the victims has told the press one thing was proven by pictures through all of these cruel acts there was a special hate category shown to Christians that they actually marked their homes with an Arabic N (noun). Where this special hate treatment did came from? Can we find any trace back to this in Islam or in Mohammed’s life? Or is this very far from Islam like Muslims are saying? Let’s examine that. Citation...

How was Mohammed to his political opponents and people who opposed him?

 Case Abi Rafee Bin abi el haqik In sahih al Biukhari Book of Jihad, Chapter Katl al Mushrek naaem. Al Baraa Bin Azeb is telling us that the Prophet sent a band of brothers from the Ansar to kill Abi Rafee, then entered his house while he was asleep and stabbed him with a sword until his bones cracked. Arabic Text. ‏حدثني ‏ ‏عبد الله بن محمد ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏يحيى بن آدم ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏يحيى بن أبي زائدة ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبيه ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبي إسحاق ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏البراء بن عازب ‏ ‏رضي الله عنهما ‏ ‏قال ‏بعث رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏رهطا من ‏ ‏الأنصار ‏ ‏إلى ‏ ‏أبي رافع...